The 4thInternational Conference on
FinancialRegulation and Financial Stability
5-6November2022, Online,Shanxi University of Finance and Economics,Taiyuan, China
IFRS 9对银行业的影响
Alex Edmans,金融学教授,伦敦商学院;《Review of Finance》主编
侯文轩,公司金融学教授,爱丁堡大学;《British Accounting Review》和《Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies》主编
Sushanta Mallick,国际金融学教授,伦敦大学玛丽女王学院;《Economic Modelling》主编
Anthony Saunders,金融学教授,纽约大学;《Financial Markets, Institutions & Instruments》主编
Jonathan Batten,皇家墨尔本理工大学
Raffaella Calabrese,爱丁堡大学
Iftekhar Hasan,福特汉姆大学
Sushanta Mallick,伦敦大学
作者需于2022年10月7日前将论文投至frfs2022@163.com。入选论文将于2022年10月17日之前通知作者(请及时查阅相关邮件,并注意通知邮件可能被自动归入垃圾邮件箱)。论文筛选的标准包括研究主题的相关性、研究的经济含义和研究质量。《British Accounting Review》,《Economic Modelling》,《Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies》,《管理科学学报》(中英文版),《太阳成集团122cc官网入口学报》的期刊编辑与主办方合作,将邀请部分高质量且符合期刊发表范围的论文提交至上述期刊。入选论文的作者将被邀请投稿至期刊正刊进行快速的追踪审稿。如果您的论文希望被上述期刊邀请,请在邮件中说明您希望投稿的期刊名称。
在与《British Accounting Review》编辑协商后,会议主办方鼓励将会议论文提交给该期刊。该期刊兼收并蓄,内容多元化,发表会计和金融方面的原创研究。提交给该期刊的会议论文将经过正规审稿程序。《British Accounting Review》的2020引用指数(7)和影响因子(5.577)分别将该期刊列为会计类期刊的前2名和前3名,以及会计和金融类期刊的前7名。在ABDC期刊质量指南中被评为A*级。期刊链接https://www.journals.elsevier.com/the-british-accounting-review
会议主办方与《Economic Modelling》的编辑联系,将邀请在符合期刊一般发表范围内选定的高质量论文的作者向该期刊提交他们的论文。编辑将确保入选的论文在快速通道的基础上经过正规审稿流程。所有论文将按照标准进行双盲评审。作者应通过期刊网站https://www.editorialmanager.com/ecmode/default1.aspx提交他们的论文,以进入期刊正刊的发表程序。
为了鼓励参会者投稿,《Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies》(JCEBS)将在本次会议的基础上专门出版一个版块。作者可以在会议开始前或结束后通过以下链接提交:https://www.edmgr.com/rcea/。JCEBS是一份跨学科的国际期刊,从经济学、金融学和国际商业等多学科的角度发表关于可持续发展问题的原创研究。中国和非中国的背景同样可以接受。它最近的引用指数(2.0)在“经济学、计量经济学和金融学”的243种期刊中排名前30%,在ABDC期刊质量指南中被评为C级,在学术期刊指南中被评为1*级,并被ESCI收录。JCEBS出版各种类型的高质量研究,包括研究论文、研究快报和综述文章。
《Journal of Management Science and Engineering》(《管理科学学报》英文版)是一份国际性的、同行评议的学术期刊,发表有关管理科学与工程的最新发展和实践的科学研究,强调建模、优化、计算和数据分析,用于识别和解决管理问题,做出商业决策,以及管理复杂管理系统中的风险。它最近的引用指数(3.9)在“管理信息系统”的120种期刊中排名第30,在“商业和国际管理”的423种期刊中排名第121。
Shanxi University of Finance and Economicsisorganisingthe 4thInternational Conference on Financial Regulation and Financial Stability. The conference will be held on 5-6 November 2022. The conference aims to provide an opportunity for academics, industry professionals and policy makers to meet and share their research and interests on issues relating to financialregulation and financial stability.
To provide cutting-edge insights into current research work on financial regulation, financial stability, systemic risk and financial technology,the conference organizers would like toinvite papers on the following topics but not limited to:
climate-related risk and financial stability
financial policy and measures on climate change and sustainability
artificial intelligence andfinancial stabilityand regulation
developments in RegTech and SupTech
payment system innovations
cryptocurrency and central bank digital currency (CBDC)
financial institutions and blockchain technology
the impacts of the Ukraine-Russia conflict and the current global energy crisis on the financial market and stability
the supply chain disruptions and financial stability
the COVID-19 and financial stability
the impact of IFRS 9 on the banking sector
China's property market woes and financial stability
the effects of financial regulation on the governance of financial institutions
theeffects ofmacro-prudentialregulationandmonetarypolicies onfinancialstability
the effects ofcapital andliquiditysupervision onbankbehaviour
systemicrisk,contagion andfinancial network
macro-prudentialregulation ofsystemicrisk
risks from rising interest rates and quantitative tightening
the modelling of bank risks
financial resilience
interdisciplinaryapproaches tofinancialstability
householdleverage andfinancialstability
interactionbetween thefinancialsystem and therealeconomy
capitalflow andsustainableinvestment
financial network analysis
monetary policy, financial conditions, and financial stability
historicalperspective onfinancialregulation andfinancialstability
Keynote Speakers (list alphabetically by last name):
Alex Edmans, Professor of Finance, London Business School; Editor ofReview of Finance
Wenxuan Hou, Chair in Corporate Finance, University of Edinburgh; Editor ofBritish Accounting ReviewandJournal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies
Sushanta Mallick, Professor of International Finance, Queen Mary, University of London, Editor ofEconomic Modelling.
Anthony Saunders, John M. Schiff Professor of Finance, New York University; Editor ofFinancial Markets, Institutions & Instruments.
Conference Co-chairs:
Peilong Shen,Vice president,Shanxi University of Finance and Economics
Yizhe Dong, University of Edinburgh
ConferenceScientific Committee:(list alphabetically by last name)
Jonathan Batten, RMIT University
Raffaella Calabrese, University of Edinburgh
Xiaoyun Fan, Nankai University
Ye Guo, Xiamen University
Iftekhar Hasan,Fordham University
Wenxuan Hou, University of Edinburgh & Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting and Finance
Jianjun Li, Central University of Finance and Economics
Jingping Li, Shanxi University of Finance and Economics
Xi Liang, University College London
Liya Liu, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
Weiqi Liu, Shanxi University
Xiaoxing Liu, Southeast University
Sushanta Mallick, Queen Mary, University of London
Jiangang Peng, Hunan University
Baofeng Shi, Northwest Agriculture & Forestry University
Shuhua Wang, Shanxi University of Finance and Economics
Xiong Xiong, Tianjin University
Wenlong Zhang, Shanxi University of Finance and Economics
Submissions Procedure & Publication Opportunities:
Submissions to the conference in the form of complete papers should be senttofrfs2022@163.comby7th, October2022.Paperswill bereviewed for presentation at the conference, and authors will be notified by 17th, October2022 (Please check the electronic mailbox of submission to ensure receiving further notification timely, the email may be classified as junk mail).The selectioncriteria for thepresenting papersinclude therelevance,economic implicationsand the academic quality of the research.In conjunction with conference organisers, the editors of theBritish Accounting Review,Economic Modelling,Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies,Journal of Management Science and Engineering, Journal of Management Science in China,andJournal of Shanxi University of Finance and Economicswill invite some conference papers for submission based on their quality and the fit to the scope of the journals. Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit their manuscripts to a regular issue of these journals with fast track review. Please indicateone journalat the time of submission if you would like your paper to be considered for the journal.
In consultation with the editors of theBritish Accounting Review, the conference organisers encourage conference papers to be submitted to the journal.The journal is eclectic and pluralistic, publishing original research in both accounting and finance. Conference papers submitted to the journal will go through the regular reviewing process. The British Accounting Review's 2020 CiteScore (7) and Impact Factor (5.577) rank the journal top 2 and 3 respectively among accounting journals as well as 7 in accounting and finance. It's rated A* in ABDC Journal Quality Guide.Link:https://www.journals.elsevier.com/the-british-accounting-review
The conference organizers, in liaison with the editors ofEconomic Modelling, will invite the authors of selected high-quality papers that fall within the general remit of the journal, to submit their manuscripts to the journal.The editors will ensure that the selected papers undergo the normal reviewing process on a fast-track basis. All papers will be double-blind refereed in the standard way.Authors should submit their paper via the journal’s websitehttps://www.editorialmanager.com/ecmode/default1.aspx, for consideration for publication in a regular issue of the journal.
Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies(JCEBS) will publish a special section based on this conference and thereby encourage submissions from conference participants. Authors can make the submission either before or after the conference by following the link:https://www.edmgr.com/rcea/.JCEBS is an interdisciplinary international journal publishing original research on sustainable development issues from multidisciplinary perspectives, including economics, finance, and international business.China and non-China settings are equally acceptable. Its recent CiteScore (2.0) ranks it top 30% among 243 journals in “General Economics, Econometrics and Finance”, rates C in ABDC Journal Quality Guide and 1* Academic Journal Guide and, also lists in ESCI. JCEBS publishes various types of high-quality research, including full articles, research letters and review articles.
TheJournal of Management Science and Engineeringis an international, peer-reviewed, scholarly journal that publishes scientific research on the latest developments and practices of management science and engineering, emphasizing modelling, optimization, computation, and data analytics for identifying and solving management problems, making business decisions, and managing risks in complex management systems. Its recent CiteScore (3.9) ranks it 30 out of 120 journals in the “Management Information Systems”, and 121 out of 423 journals in the “Business and International Management”.
Journal of Management Science in China (管理科学学报)andJournal of Shanxi University of Finance and Economics(太阳成集团122cc官网入口学报)are Chinese Journals indexed by CSSCI. The editors will invitethe authors of selected high-qualityChinesepapers that fall within the general remit of the journals, to submit their manuscripts to the journals.
For general enquiries about theconferenceand submission please contactDr Zhinan Li via20191040@sxufe.edu.cnor Dr Yizhe Dong viayizhe.dong@ed.ac.uk